Perlite H
Perlite H is expanded natural perlite of specific granular size. It is inorganic and chemically inactive with a neutral alkalinity level (PH=7). It can be used with any hydroponic growth method, such as in bags or in container rows.
In hydroponics, Perlite H replaces natural soil to support the growth of the plant's root system in its entirety providing the water needed for the plant's essential life sustaining functions as well as for its robust and healthy growth.
The roots grow by absorbing the required nutrients from a water soluble mixture of all the elements required for the plant's growth either as ionic inorganic salts or as inorganic or organic solutions.

Perlite H substitutes the natural soil functions to provide the plant with:
1. water
2. nutrients
3. oxygen
4. root support
Perlite H has the following strong characteristics:
It absorbs and holds the required levels of water or moisture
It provides the required oxygenation levels
It is a consistent and uniform substrate
It is free of pathogens and weeds
It is easy to use
It has low cost
It is eco-friendly
There are strong advantages and benefits when using the inorganic Perlite H in hydroponics.
1. Perlite H eliminates weed, nematode or fungi problems and minimizes pest issues, thereby reducing the need for chemical pesticides, decreasing pesticide costs and increasing profits.
2. Perlite H allows for complete control over the balance of nutrients provided to the plants resulting in increased production and very high quality plants.
3. With Perlite H, the control of conductivity (EC) and alkalinity (PH) levels is very easy and precise and any variances from the desired levels can be easily and immediately corrected. The deficiencies in plants that grow in soils without the right EC and PH levels are well known. The majority of the time the PH level in the soil is high resulting in nutrient deficiencies such as iron deficiency in the plant. Perlite H eliminates all these problems and provides a consistent and stable substrate.
4. Any problems that may surface in the plants, whether from nutrient deficiency or disease, can be addressed instantaneously by simply changing the nutrient mix and solutions which are then immediately absorbed by the plants.
5. The cultivation of plants is much more efficient in hydroponics as it eliminates the need for tilling, weeding and other time consuming processes that are a natural part of growing plants in soil.
6. While hoop houses or greenhouses can provide year round production, the soil still requires rotation, amendments, cover cropping or other care. In contrast, hydroponics does not require any of that. It provides the ability for true year round production by simply replanting in the H and administering water with the dissolved nutrient solutions.
7. Hydroponics allows for the use of automated methods for watering and administering the nutrient solutions to the plants which results in work efficiencies and time savings for the grower. The grower can then devote his freed up time to other functions such as the commercial operation, training, supervision, marketing, packaging, etc, all as important as the growing of plants.
8. Providing the right nutrient solutions to the plants is an essential aspect for a successful hydroponic operation. Before the installation of an hydroponic system with Perlite H, a water analysis should be conducted to determine the water's characteristics and its suitability for hydroponic use. Following the installation of the system with Perlite H, regular precise measurements and analysis is required to obtain the information necessary to adjust the nutrient solutions. The grower can cooperate initially with the established laboratories to understand the measurement
and analysis process and is then able to on his own and in his own facility with a test kit establish the need for any solution adjustments and make all needed corrections easily and seamlessly. Success is achieved through the growers attentive care, good practices, correct implementation of the rules and processes and open communication and cooperation with the VIORYP agronomists who can provide guidance and technical knowledge.